SMART Law Hub’s Work Accepted in the Conference on AI and Law 2021
The latest research paper by the HEC Paris SMART Law Hub team in collaboration with Eura Nova research team was accepted by the International Conference on AI and Law (ICAIL) 2021.

The paper, entitled “A Combined Rule-based and Machine Learning Approach to Automate GDPR Compliance Checking”, led by the legal and AI team from the SMART Law Hub at HEC Paris, in collaboration with the data privacy research team Eura Nova, was accepted for the ICAIL Conference 2021. This is the leading conference in Law and Artificial Intelligence (triple peer review). The SMART Law Hub of HEC and Eura Nova data privacy research track joined forces to build smart solutions for privacy policies' processing and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliance.
The team of authors consists of the HEC Paris academics David Restrepo Amariles (Associate Professor of Law), Aurore Troussel Clément (HEC .18 and Lawyer at the Paris Bar), Rajaa El Hamdani (Incoming Ph.D. student HEC/Polytechnique) and Sébastien Meeùs (Research Assistant), and the Eura Nova team, with R&D Engineers Majd Mustapha and Katherine Krasnoschok.
“This paper for ICAIL 2021 was an exciting collaboration on data protection and AI with Eura Nova. We tested machine learning and rule-based methods to check compliance of privacy policies with GDPR”, said David Restrepo.
Formerly, the HEC Team designed a new app capitalizing on Natural Language Process (NLP) methods and machine learning, which is currently under test with industrial partners. This application could serve consumers, lawyers, data protection officers, legal departments, and managers in auditing the privacy documents of a company. The next development will seek to improve privacy compliance in the back end of data flows, in other words, to ensure companies can audit data practices across the data supply chain so they can enforce the contractual agreements and protect consumer’s privacy at all times.
The paper will be published in the conference proceedings, along with a second paper: “Lex Rosetta: Transfer of Predictive Models Across Languages, Jurisdictions and Legal Domains”. The paper is a result of Professor Restrepo’s collaboration with researchers in several institutions including the Computer Science Team at Carnegie Mellon, the University of Pittsburgh and the Université de Montréal. The researchers for the paper were led by Jaromir Savelka (Carnegie Mellon) and Hannes Westermann (Université de Montreal).
David Restrepo and his SMART Law Hub team already had a paper accepted last year in the KDD conference NLLP Workshop, which is a leading conference in computer science. The paper, written in collaboration with researchers from Ecole Polytechnique is “Performance in the Courtroom: Automated Processing and Visualization of Appeal Court Decisions in France”, co-authored by Paul Boniol, George Panagopoulos, Christos Xypolopoulos, Rajaa El Hamdani and Michalis Vazirgiannis.
Learn more about this research in the SMART Law Hub’s article, “Developing an Automated Compliance App to help Firms Comply with Privacy Regulations”, on Knowledge@HEC.
Find the information on David Restrepo’s Twitter account.